But, laws weren’t enough to hold back this fearsome show of appreciation for the best bikes. In the 1960s, the Italian Motorcycle Federation managed to get the Motogiro back on the road, but as a time trial rather than a race. The event yet again shot to the top of public attention in 2001, when Ducati offered sponsorship which took the whole shebang back to its classic roots and brought us to this years anniversary proceedings.
For its 30th event, the Motogorio will consist of a six-day driving bender across 930 miles of Italy’s best scenery. Held from 27th May to 1st June, the event will see riders landing in iconic Rome. And, with around two-thirds of entrants coming from outside Italy, there’s no reason you can’t also give this event a shot. But, why does Motogorio deserve your attention over the endless motorcycle-based options you could choose from this year?
Old is best

Slow and steady wins...what race?
It’s also worth noting that your experience here is sure to be better than at a high-speed event which can actually call itself a race. As you might remember, Motogorio is now a rally instead. Timed, admittedly, but without a focus on speed. Of course, reaching those checkpoints as soon as you can is still pretty standard, but not for the reason you think. People who whizz around this event do so because they then get to spend more time in each of the stunning locations along the way. And, with this being a special anniversary event, you get those stop-offs will be something special. Even if you don’t fancy the scenery, the Italian food on offer at every checkpoint along the way is reason enough to move fast. Still, there isn’t the pressure to go faster than you’re comfortable with. And, of course, there can’t be any losers if this isn’t even a race.Pit stops are down to you
When you get into the serious world of racing, pit stops are all about teams who run out to your bike and fix things up for you. But, no such services await at the Motogorio, and many people see that as a good thing. The altogether more laid back attitude of this event means that riders fix up their bikes along the way. And, if you’re a motorbike lover, that’s sure to be right up your street. What could be better than sitting on the side of an Italian road with a load of like-minded individuals, all while repairing your bike engine? Admittedly, you might want to do a little research into the repairs you’ll need before you head off. It would be a bit embarrassing if you were unable to continue, after all. And, with some of these locations being quite remote, there’s no guarantee you can hit up YouTube for help along the way. But, if you know a thing or two about bike engines, this could be the best part of the whole event for you. You can bet there will probably be a fair few refreshments on hand at each pit stop to make it all more bearable, too.
It’s in Italy
Let’s not beat around the bush; Motogorio also has Italy going for it. When you consider that other races like these are in locations like the Isle of Man, that can seem like a no-brainer. Nothing against the Isle of Man, of course, but it’s no Sicily, is it? You can bet that signing yourself up for this event will see you driving through some of Italy's best scenery. These are roads you just aren’t going to find anywhere else. You’ll be able to feel the wind in your hair and get to the real heart behind this passionate place. While the locations on offer vary, this year is sure to be spectacular. For proof, consider only the end-point of Rome. If you’re worried about heat, you needn’t be. The time of year is carefully selected to ensure good weather which isn’t unbearably hot for drivers and observers alike. What more could any motorbike rider ever ask for?