However, once many people pass their test and are left to their own devices out on the road, they quickly forget some of the best practices that they were taught in their lessons. Even though this isn’t necessarily dangerous, it does mean that some new drivers quickly get into bad habits.
Here are some of the things that many new drivers regularly forget. Try to keep these in your mind every time you drive so that there’s no risk of you developing any really bad habits!
Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre
One of the main things that all drivers learn is mirror, signal, and manoeuvre. These are the steps that you need to make before you ever move into a different lane or change direction. You need to quickly look in your mirrors to make sure that it is safe for you to move, start signalling to let other drivers know that you are about to move, and then move if it is still safe to do so. However, lots of new drivers fall out of this habit when they don’t have an instructor reminding them about it. It’s always important to try to stick with it, though.Checking The Car’s Fluids
While you are taking your driving lessons, your instructor will no doubt remind you just how important it is to keep checking the fluids of the car. However, many new drivers regularly forget about this and then they only find out they are low on brake fluid or antifreeze when it is too late. Ideally, you need to use a firm like www.peakhd.com to stay stocked up with antifreeze and other essential fluids. Then you always have some at home to top your car up with. Of course, there might be some, such as brake fluid and oil, that you will need to see your local mechanic about.
Shuffling Your Hands On The Wheel
Your driving instructor teach you that you need to push and pull the steering wheel with your two hands. This ensures that you always have both hands on the wheel so there is less chance of losing control of it. Once many people start to grow in confidence, they forget about the push and pull method and sometimes even drive with only one hand on the wheel.Always Checking Your Mirrors
Many driving instructors, including www.usonedrivingschool.com, get their new drivers to check their mirrors every few seconds. This is to get you in a good habit so that you always know what is going around your car. Make sure you don’t fall out of this habit as it can be very dangerous to drive around without ever checking your mirrors!Make sure you never forget about these things. It could really save your life in some cases!