Take a break from the news for a minute and feast your eyes on these wild, amazing, and frankly pretty awesome renderings of a fantasy Bugatti truck created by Prathyush Devadas, a senior interior designer at Chinese automaker Dongfeng. He incorporated some key Bugatti design elements into the rig, which could be a cargo hauler or tanker of some sort, and we're going to go ahead and assume it can handle an equally exotic-looking trailer, because of course it can.
The C-shaped stylistic elements from the Chiron have been applied to the forward area of the Bugatti Hyper Truck, and a circular glass pod that holds the driver riffs on the Chiron's—and Bugatti's—iconic horseshoe grille. The truck adopts the long, low-slung look and strong character lines you'd expect from a Bugatti. There's no talk of a potential powertrain, but if this truck isn't electric, we'd like to see how to might perform with the Chiron's quad-turbo, W-16 engine installed—it makes 1,479 horsepower and 1,180 lb-ft of torque in the supercar. Or even better, let's toss in the THOR 24 semi truck's 3,972-hp setup!

Although we'd love to see a Bugatti truck on the streets next to a Tesla Semi, the chances of that happening are so unlikely as to be impossible. For now, Bugatti is focused on expanding its lineup (very modestly, of course) with the new Pur Sport, a $3.5 million coupe that boasts performance upgrades over the standard Chiron. Bugatti recently finished building half of the 500 Chirons in the model's planned production run, and we await news of its possible SUV model.